I code with ....
Abdul Ahad Abeer
full stack developer
I build pixel-perfect, engaging, and
fun digital products.


Hello, My name is Abdul Ahad (you can call me 'Abeer'), a JavaScript based Full stack Developer from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Back in 2017, I started my coding journey with Java and Android while giving programming a try though I wasn't very serious about making a career out of it. After getting my hands dirty with JavaScript I found the real interest in the Web Development World.

Since 2021, I am working as a professional JavaScript Developer. From 2022 to 2023, I worked at MoonHoldings, an American based web3 startup founded by Leon Gaban. It was a great experience and I enjoyed a lot as a developer getting the chance to work with some of the great people.

Like "3 Idiots" movie, I believe in running after excellence and my dreams are mine, I will make my dreams definitely come true no matter how much tough it gets. So, I am honing my skills and trying to make some seriously great impacts in projects I am working in.

Nowawady, my focus is on all the React-ecosystem and MERN stack with TypeScript. I am also planning to get into Python development and looking forward to try out Rust. Now, Here is a brief list of the technologies that I am comfortable in:

JavaScript TypeScript React Redux NextJS Tailwind CSS Node ExpressJS GraphQL Prisma ORM Git


2022 JUN - 2023

MoonHoldingsXYZ・Full Stack Developer

I worked at MoonHoldings (moonholdings.xyz, a web3 startup) for a year, from June, 2022 to May, 2023. During that time, I was a Full-time Fullstack JavaScript Developer. My main focus was on building both the client site, what users see and interact with, as well as the backend, behind-the-scenes functionalities for serving the data with proper need. I played a significant role in the team, contributed to the development of both these aspects.

Vue & Pinia NextJS 12 SASS NodeJS ExpressJS Firebase

2021 - 2022

Frontend Developer・Freelance Projects

Before Joining MoonHoldings, I used to work as a freelance developer from 2021 to 2022. During that time mostly I worked with Vue and Nuxt.js for development.

Vue NuxJS Pinia React Tailwind CSS



Friendsbook - Facebook Clone

  • Friendsbook is my Champion project where I incorporate some of the coolest social media features.
  • Friendsbook mostly resembles facebook. But I planned to add some different features too.
  • The MVP contains Profile-Timeline, Creating posts, News Feed and Realtime Chatting.

> Frontend, Backend

React 18 Tailwind CSS NodeJS Apollo GraphQL Prisma PostgreSQL


Messenger Clone

  • A replicate messenger app with NextJS 13.
  • Authentication and realtime chatting with other users.
  • PusherJS has been incorporated for realtime communication.

NextJS 13 Tailwind CSS Prisma MongoDB Next Auth Pusher


Leetcode Clone

  • I watched the leetcode clone video on freecodecamp's youtube channel, but deeply focused on functionalities.
  • Authentication and code editor incorporated for solving coding problems for every user.

NextJS Tailwind CSS Firebase


Vue Dishes

  • Searching, bookmarking dishes and measuring ingredients according to the number of guests.
  • This API is created by Jonas Schmadtmann, he built it for his 'The complete JavaScript Course' on Udemy
  • I learned to play with APIs with this project.


Won't lie 😅, I took the inspiration from Brittany Chiang's personal website. Simply developed with Vanilla JavaScript, HTML and Tailwind CSS with Vite.